When the chips Are Down


呂秀蓮副總統這次以覲賀特使身分前往薩爾瓦多,假道美國,布希政府以時間敏感為由,只准她取道Las Vegas,不准由紐約過境 (transit)。Las Vegas是有名的賭城,不禁使筆者想起和賭(gambling)有關的英文用語。本文的題目When the chips are down即是和賭有關的成語,意思是 reaching a crisis point(危急關頭)、tough times(艱難時刻)或 things look bleak(事情黯淡)。為什麼chips down會轉化成這樣的含意,原來chips是代替現金的籌碼,分5、10、25、50、100的面值不等,最大的chip 5000美元一個,能拿100元的 chip下注,已被賭場視為high-roller(大賭客),能用5000元的chip而一擲毫無吝色,那就是whale(鯨魚級大賭客)了。

贏的時候,chips自然會多,可是輸的時候,chips當然會越來越少,所以對好賭的人,一般的忠告是: When the chips are down, you need to quit.(籌碼下降時,就該停了。)這也是一雙關語(pun),指「危急之時,應該罷手。」另外也有When the chips are down, you know who your true friends are. 的說法,即「危急之時見真情也」。

Chip一字除了在上面的成語中作賭博的籌碼解外,a chip off the old block是另一古老的成語,即和父親一模一樣的兒子,或有其父必有其子。President George W. Bush, son of former President George H. W. Bush, is almost a chip off the old block.(小布希總統幾乎和前總統老布希一模一樣。)A chip on one's shoulder則是bitter, resentful or defiant due to some perceived prejudice against oneself. 例句,She carries a chip on her shoulder about Harvard University after having been denied admission.

