職場 | 英文學習
The comedian was killing me laughing.不是「喜劇演員笑著把我殺死」

《芭比》(Barbie)不單單只是回憶童年的電影,劇中討論的性別平等(Gender equality)、父權主義(Patriarchy)等議題,也令人印象深刻。在故事中,芭比迷Gloria經歷進入社會、婚姻育兒後,對真人芭比說出的肺腑之言,反映出女性為了符合社會期待而遭遇的迷惘;這段獨白引起了大眾討論與認同,被譽為奧斯卡等級(Oscar worthy)的發言:
“It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong. “
“You have to be thin, but not too thin. ... You’re supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you’re supposed to be a part of the sisterhood. ... It’s too hard! It’s too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault.” —《Barbie》
It is literally impossible to be a woman.
Taiwan Music Festival is famous among young Taiwanese. There were literally millions of people participating in the festival this year.
The Chinese idiom ren shan ren hai, literally translated to “people mountain people sea”, is used to describe a place crowded with people.
(人山人海這個成語字面上翻譯即是people mountain people sea,用來形容一個地方擠滿了人)
it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough.
I could hardly sleep last night because my back pain was killing me.
The stand-up comedy was so much fun. The comedian was killing me laughing.
You’re supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you’re supposed to be a part of the sisterhood.
Stop telling your children what they are supposed to do. They are grown-ups and they should make choices on their own and face consequences.
Suppose(that)you have a magic key that can open anything. What would you choose to open?
( 假設你有一隻能開啟任何事物的魔法鑰匙,你會想開啟什麼呢?)
It is absurd to suppose that people in our lives are always trying to take advantage of us.
字根contra-帶有「相反的」,例如contrary「相反的」。另一個字根 -dict-「說」,例如dictator 「獨裁者」(意指唯一發號施令的人)。兩個字根組合的contradictory,就是「矛盾的」(兩邊說的東西相反):
When the police asked Linda where she was yesterday morning, she told the police she was home. However, her neighbor gave a contradictory statement, saying that he saw Linda leaving home with a huge suitcase at 8 a.m. yesterday.
Contrary to what I have heard from most students, Prof. Lee treats me very well.
- I feel confused when I received ________advice from the same committee member.
(A) beneficial
(B) contradictory
(C) practical
(D) confidential
- You ________make a reservation earlier if you want to celebrate Father’s Day in that famous restaurant.
(A) supposed to
(B) suppose to
(C) are supposed to
(D) are supposing to
1.正解為(B)。本題為單字題,句意為「當我從同一位委員身上得到矛盾的意見時我很困惑。」各選項意思分別為(A) beneficial 有幫助的 (B) contradictory 矛盾的 (C) practical 實際的 (D) confidential 機密的,(B)最符合句義。
2.正解為(C)。本題是文法題,句意為「如果你想在那間著名餐廳慶祝父親節,你應該要提前預約。」be supposed to 為固定用法表示「(大眾普遍認知的)應該」,故選(C)。
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