Tax rebate普發6千元領了嗎
近期即將進入申報所得稅的季節,不過在被萬萬稅包圍的同時,終於有個好消息,民眾4月可以開始領取普發的6,000元,這筆款項來自去年政府的剩餘稅收(surplus tax revenue)。本次來學與「稅」相關的英文,這同時也是TOEIC測驗經常出現的單字。
In the previous fiscal year, the government exceeded its tax revenue collection and incurred a surplus. As a result, the legislators passed a bill to issue tax rebates to the public. (去年財政年度政府稅收超額,因此立法委員們通過了將超徵的部分以退稅的形式退回給民眾。)
tax revenue 稅收
例句》Social media platforms usually rely on advertising revenue to support their operations.(社群媒體平台通常依靠廣告收入來支撐它們的營運。)
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