上班族quiet quitting不想努力了

疫情終局之戰似乎不遠了,但企業管理階層又迎來另一波挑戰。繼躺平、反工作、大辭職潮席捲東西方職場後,安靜離職(quiet quitting)成為最新風潮。它不是真正離職走人,而是上班族只做好分內的工作量,不加班也不圖升官加薪。這違反敬業精神嗎?

quiet quitting 安靜離職

A:When you said you wanted to join the "quiet quitting" trend, you were kidding, right?(你說你也要搞安靜離職,真的假的?)
B:To me, it's like a psychological shutting down, quitting the idea of going above and beyond.(那有點像心理上的停工,不想升官發財了。)

mindset 心態
A:May I say it's a mindset that reminds oneself to not work to the point of burnout?(可以說它是種提醒自己別累垮的心態嗎?)
B:Yes! I'm fed up with working late, picking up extra shifts, and incessantly checking my emails.
(對! 我受夠了加班、不停輪班與看電子郵件。)

