Wear One’s Heart on the Sleeve


最近阿拉斯加前聯邦參議員史蒂文斯(Sen. Ted Stevens)時來運轉,去年涉及的貪瀆官司已由司法部長侯德(Attorney General Eric Holder)下令取消,主審本案的法官蘇立文(Judge Emmet G. Sullivan)還要追究起訴史蒂文斯的檢察官們的瀆職行為。這位讓史蒂文斯翻身的法曹以守正不阿,嫉惡如仇,並鍥而不捨(tenacity)著稱。不過蘇立文的頂頭上司聯邦地院首席法官藍伯斯(Royce C. Lamberth)說,蘇另一不為人知的特質是:He does wear his heart on the sleeve sometimes……. It's probably not the first quality that comes to mind when you think of a judge. 所謂wear his heart on the sleeve sometimes是說「有時會真情流露」,這是你想到法官時,不會最先想到的特質。說得也是,法官都是鐵面無私,沒有什麼人情的,怎麼會wear his heart on the sleeve呢?顯然蘇立文是個例外。

Wear one's heart on the sleeve用英文表達,就是show one's emotions or true feelings。假如一位女士不輕易表露感情,那便是She's not the kind of person that wears her heart on the sleeve. 中文裡有「捲起袖子」的說法,英文也用roll up the sleeves,和中文的表達方式一樣。


