減碳ESG 研究:復育微生物群落 有助於提升植物生長率64% microbes below ground are just as crucial as the plants above... 2023.06.12
職場 上班族quiet quitting不想努力了 psychological shutting down, quitting the idea of going above... 2022.10.06
職場 多益考題》只做最低限度工作...「安靜辭職」的英文怎麼說? quitting your job, but you’re quitting the idea of going above... 2022.10.26
職場 日本也認證!台灣交通亂象多,「闖紅燈」英文是用run還是drive? and INTELICOM according to the conditions set out above... 2022.03.29
減碳ESG 台灣想與世界同步減碳!乾淨能源用量,為何卻比去年更少? CNBC from msn》Global electric power demand surges above... 2021.10.14