To Bone up on Something


新任的白宮新聞秘書(Press Secretary)Tony Snow已經走馬上任。Snow雖是記者出身,熟悉新聞作業,但為了提供更好的服務給記者們,報導說他正bone up on domestic and foreign policy issues to prepare for his briefings.(正在加緊研究國內外政策問題準備作簡報。)這裡的bone up on是study hard(努力研究),而且是at the last minute,即臨陣磨槍或臨時抱佛腳之意。從前在台灣為了準備大學聯考,去上補習班,加強英數科目,那就是bone up on English and math to prepare for the college entrance exam。

另有brush up on something和bone up on something意思近似,但不盡相同。Brush up是生疏了,需要複習,如很久不說英語,不順口了,即可說My English is getting rusty, I need to brush it up.,通常brush up的辦法是take a refresher course(複習,溫故知新)。和bone有關的成語有make no bones about something(實話實說,毫不掩飾),例如:He makes no bones about the fact that the United States is not his favorite country.(他不諱言,美國並非他喜歡的國家。)

Tone是音調或音律,如說某人tone deaf,即表示此人無音感、五音不全、完全沒有音樂的天分。Tone down, tone up是兩個意義相反的詞:tone down是緩和、減輕,He has already toned down his criticisms of the Bush administration.(他已降低對布希當局的批評。);tone up則是指升高或強化,如Proper exercise will help burn up more fat, tighten the muscle, and tone up the body.(適當運動有助於減肥、鍛鍊肌肉、強化體能。)英文裡還有tune up(調音、調整)的說法,如The piano needs a tune-up.(鋼琴需要調音。);The car needs a tune-up.(汽車需要調整或保養。)另一美國人的常用詞stay tuned,是說想知道後續發展,得注意隨時聽消息。這用語對記者特別有用,如消息人士要你stay tuned,那表示還有下文,必須密切注意。

